Finally giving a full update on most of my baby products and re-sharing the most recommended products from you guys! In the process of nesting and used this list to pull things down from the attic and note what I need to rebuy. I really still have a lot from Rosie so ordering is minimal this go-round, thank goodness. I remember with Rosie being SO overwhelmed on what I needed and you guys suggested all these things! I created my registry based on yalls recommendation and was so happy with all our stuff. I added below a lot of things you guys sent and my reviews on products that I actually used with Rosie. I hope this helps all my new mommas prepare their registry and take a little stress off your shoulders because I know it can be overwhelming! Just remember you don’t need everything, babies don’t care what their room looks like or if they wear the same onesie a couple times a week, just some love! You’re doing great mama!
Top 8 Products I Recommend To Mamas
Other Products
Nursery & Decor
- Crib Mattress & Bedding – Holding off on buying another crib for now since I think Rosie will need a big girl bed soon! We will just be using the pack n play (which we HIGHLY recommend this one) its easy to put together (I have had friends take hours trying to install theirs), functionable, looks clean, easy to travel with (we still use Rosies for trips)! I did want to give you guys the link to Rosie’s crib we have now and the mattress because we love that it has breathable technology. I remember being so paranoid so the Newton plus the owlet was so helpful!
- Glider – Gliders can get pricey and you don’t have to have one but I will say I have a love hate relationship with ours. I feel like I get a lot of use out of it but it gets dirty so easily! Rocking Rosie while breast-feeding or giving her a bottle is still my favorite so I thank that chair already for all its memories its brought us!
- Pottery Barn (similar more affordable option)
- Swaddling Blankets – It took us a little bit to find our favorite that works for us and Rosie! So I would suggest trying out a couple different ones. I HIGHLY recommend bringing them to the hospital. No one told me so we were trying to swaddle her in the hospital old fashion way but once we got home, this was a game changer. We loved the sleep sack and the magic sleep suit when she was a little older!
- Sound & Light Soothers – We used the hatch baby from the very beginning and still do. Even added one in our room now haha. In the apartment it really helped since it was small and we wouldn’t wake her up in the living room next to her. Ordered another one for baby boy! Works with Alexa and is a night light.
- Hatch Baby
- Baby Shusher – have heard this is super portable
- Lectrofan
- Cradle or bassinet – We didn’t use a bassinet for sleeping with Rosie but a lot of you guys recommended these two! I think for now for baby boy, we are going to go ahead and stick with the pack and play again!
- Halo – people love that this swivels and fits beside bed so you don’t have to get up for night feeding!
- Lounger – Loved these things and used it so much!! Easy to set her down next to you while getting ready or on the couch, pretty much anywhere and you know she is comfy! HIGHLY recommend to everyone!
- DockATot
- Boppy Lounger
- Snuggle Me Organic (working on getting a code)
- Baby Monitor – There are so many options for this but I highly recommend getting some kind of monitor. Our Owlet really gave us peace of mind when she was sleeping! The foot monitor is really amazing even though it does have its flaws. Sometimes it can fall off or if its not on right will show the wrong heart rate or sound the alarm that there isnt a heart rate which is alarming. It happened to us a couple times but we knew that she kicked it off so it wasn’t too big of a deal. I did just order this camera though since it comes with two that are connected to the same app so I can use with Rosie and our new little boy.
- Humidifier
- Bouncer/Swing – The mamaroo we kept in the living room and is a great way to get some thing done around the house. I put her in there to make her bottles or do the dishes really quick and but she loved it for a hot minute! Its pretty $$ so idk all babies are different. The babybjorn is great too, the biggest advantage is you can easily move the babybjorn around the house with you but you do have to consistently rock it to sooth them so a little harder to do when trying to get something done.
- Toys – at first we didn’t get a lot of toys for Rosie. Now of course she has a ton but when they are super young I don’t think they need much!
- Activity Arch (she did love this!!)
- Cuddle + Kind (love these, she has a couple! Every purchase they donate!)
- Activity Center/Mats – these are great for tummy time!
Bath & Potty
- Diapers & Wipes – we’ve used Honest diapers and wipes the entire time with Rosie and haven’t had any complaints! I have a subscription set up on Amazon that make it super easy!
- Diaper Bag – these two were highly recommended! I prefer a backpack diaper bag but it’s really up to you and there are so many out there! I will say I tried to get a neutral color in case Ted was carrying it.
- Diaper Disposal System – so some sort of system is another must! Keeps the smell of the diapers trapped until trash day lol. We use the Ubbi which is similar to the Jeannie. It doesn’t have a foot step which I would say is the biggest difference but it hasn’t bothered us but I did order the Jeannie to put in our room for the boy to compare. I will keep you guys updated!
- Diaper Cream & Applicator – we use the Destin cream which was recommended by a lot of yall and it has worked but I’m sure there are a lot out there. The babybum tool is amazing though! Prevents you from getting it all over yourself(well sometimes lol).
- Wipe Warmer – this was recommended so we got but honestly didn’t use that much. I know some people rave about it though to keep them from crying from the cold wipe. We just didn’t have that issue so we didn’t use but every kid is different!
- Baby Bathtub
- Hooded Towels
- Shampoo, body wash, lotion
Health & Safety
- Nasal Aspirator – Alright the NoseFrida is kinda gross lol but a life saver when they are congested.
- Infant Medicine
- Basics Kit
- Baby Detergent – we used this to wash all clothes before Rosie arrived and tried to organize them which made things a lot easier.
- Nail Clippers
- Books for parents – we loved reading the baby book and even went to some classes! They give you a lot of tips and tricks and all together give you a more “prepared feeling”. At the end of the day though, you won’t be following the books on everything. You gotta wing it and figure out what works best for you and your family! We personally followed Moms on Call and it was a game-changer for our family. Will be trying it again with baby boy but will see!
Nursing & Feeding
- Nursing Pillow & Cover – the Boppy helped so much with feeding! The support helps a lot even when Ted or family was bottle feeding. You’ll also want to buy a cover for it, I got mine from Etsy.
- Breast Pump – these are definitely an expensive purchase but for convenience Elvie or Willow wins hands down for me! I could walk around and get things done with them in my bra instead of having to sit still and pump which always drove me crazy haha. Some of my friends said you can get a pump with health insurance so that might be an option! Also, the Haakaa is great for when you have a clogged duct! I am unsure if I am going to try the Willow just for yall to be a guinea pig OR stick with what I know which is the Elvie.
- Nursing Pads – I tried to use resealable ones but it was also nice to have disposable ones around just in case!
- Nursing Cream – didn’t use a ton but definitely great to have!
- Nursing Bra – still working on this one lol. Didn’t really have a favorite but ordered some affordable ones from Amazon since I usually don’t wear a bra when not pregnant/nursing.
- Amazon
- Soma
- Bralette
- Nursing Cami (also ordered this and liked it)
- Bottles – soo I would say bottles are hard because you never know what your baby is going to like! One of our friends told us to buy one or two of a couple of kinds and see what your baby likes best! Rosie wasn’t too picky and we ended up liking the Kiinde System best because of convenience. I would pump and add to one of the disposable bottle bags then freeze until we needed.
- Bottle Warmer – A lot of time we used warm water to warm her bottles but we did use this that was recommended sometimes and it honestly wasn’t our favorite. I found this one on Amazon that I just ordered because of how many good reviews it has so I will keep you guys updated!
- Bottle Cleaning – We bought the breeza thinking we would use all the time but we really didn’t and it took up a lot of space on our counter lol. A lot of people love it though so it’s a personal preference!
- Burp Cloths – I didn’t realize just how many of these you need lol. In the beginning I feel like there is always spit up everywhere so you need one on hand at all times.
- Comfy Clubs
- Pottery Barn
- Muslin Cloth (reordered these the most
- Copper Pearl Company
- Bibs – we kept bibs on Rosie a lot when she was younger since there was usually drool or spit up and it saves you from changing their entire outfit. I tried to find cute ones when I could but also just had a lot of extras to use throughout the day. Now I really like the silicon ones on her! So easy to wash! Just got this one for baby boy.
- Pacifiers – this is another thing that is so specific to each kid! Rosie really didn’t use one much. Also, the clips are a must! It doesn’t completely keep them from getting lost but definitely helps!
- Teethers – had several of these around and put them in the freezer a lot!
- High Chair – we used the bumbo a lot in the beginning but I dont really recommend it, it was hard to clean and wasnt a fan of the tray. After she was a little bigger I caved and got the 4moms and still use it! Has a magnetic tray so removes easy and has 3 different height adjustments. At first I thought I wanted a cute wood one or something like that then I realized convenience and clean-up is key lol. A lot of friends talk so highly about this one so I ordered to try it out.
Clothing – best advice for this is don’t buy too many cute outfits when they are young! Everything was adorable that I saw so I really wanted everything but they grow out of it so quick! Plus when they are young pjs are the easiest for them to wear and what she was usually in. Also, I went for gender neutral a lot with Rosie so I already have a lot of clothes for baby boy that I’m reusing!
- Zip up pjs: Little Sleepies | Kickee such cute designs and good quality pjs on both of these but a little more pricey – this is a more affordable brand that we also like! Also amazon ones are so good!
- Kyte baby** – SO FREAKING SOFT. I would look for these first before any others. We love them!
- Summer Onesie
- Plain onesies & Long Sleeve (good to have a lot of these)
- baby sleeper gowns
- mittens
- Bloomers
On-the-go Gear
- Stroller. – We did a lot of research (youtube, amazon event, talked with friends) and decided to go with the Uppababy. We still love it and know so many people who rave about it! It has an attachment for infants and holds up to 50 lbs regular. The Doona is another favorite that is super convenient when traveling because it’s a carseat that fold out into a stroller but our negatives we notices are they grow out of it at 35lbs and there isn’t any storage.
- Baby wrap and/ or carrier – So Ted and I really tried on the Solly baby wrap, like YouTubed videos and everything lol but just couldn’t get it. The plus of the Solly is one size fits all if you can get the hang of tying it. My favorite was the BabyBjorn. Very easy to put on and comfy for me and baby!
- Car Seat Cover – I wouldn’t say you need these. I barely used them but maybe bc we barely left the house at first lol maybe one? especially bc of covid currently!
- Itzy Ritzy 4 in one cover
- Copper Pearl Multi-use Cover
- Milk Snob
- Car Seat – before we had Rosie we never realized how hard car seats were to install! It’s crazy and you want to make sure you do it right so it’s safe for them so it’s kinda stressful lol. If you look online in your area a lot of places have events that teach the safe way to install them! As I mentioned on stroller section, the Doona is super convenient for traveling but they do grow out of it at 35lbs. The Uppababy is also convenient since it can attach to the stroller but they also grow out of it at 35lbs. The Britax is another top one that is just a carseat with no stroller attachment or anything but will last up to 65lbs so you wouldn’t need to buy another one! All in all, we went with the mesa so it clicks on and off of our Uppa baby stroller!
- Diaper Bag Stroller Hooks
PHEWWWWW I think I got it all covered. Anything yall need or have questions for, leave in the comments and I would be HAPPY to answer!