I’m Dede Raad, the face behind Dress Up Buttercup—a community I hope always inspires women to feel confident about themselves. I’m a native Houstonian, and after leaving a career in the oil and gas industry in 2015, I’ve been sharing my life on the internet ever since! The DUB community has grown into so much more than I ever could imagine in the past few years and I wake up incredibly grateful Every. Single. Morning. I’m an open book when it comes to sharing the nitty gritty of my life like my family, struggles with grief, my journey walking through motherhood, postpartum, and so much more. I love sharing attainable styles,giving you inspo for dressed everyday, some tipsy drink recipes, and anything else that happens in the Raad household.
Dress Up Buttercup is a platform where we can have a real conversation with people from all over the world about all aspects of life including life, fashion, motherhood/postpartum, home design, travel, and so much more."
I’m 5’3 and usually varies S-M. After having 2 kids under 2 my sizing is a little all over the place but I try to be as helpful as possible when sharing pieces!
I remember sitting down writing down options on a piece of paper and some of them were so bad lol. My dad always called me buttercup so I think thats why this one stood out so much.
I’m looking forward to so much with this community and hoping to do some exciting things to meet more of you guys and connect us further!
At the end of the day what I love most about this amazing community is connection. Being able to have conversations with people that relate to my current stage in life or others that are in completely different ones. Either way it’s an open conversation that I always learn so much from. Instagram, the blog, all the social media platforms are such a great place for discovery and I hope that through mine this community can feel connected to a wonderful group of supportive women and confident in whatever they have on! I always say these cheesy things but I whole heartedly believe them – true beauty comes from within and confidence is the best outfit!
Dede started Dress Up Buttercup in 2015, posting on her blog everyday M-F for 20 people to read…if she was lucky. Despite her small audience, she adopted an entrepreneurial mindset and showed up everyday with the intention of of creating a successful blog against all odds. If you were her friend back then, you were probably getting the texts to “read her latest post” or “like/comment on her Instagram pics.. There was never a time she said “no” to any networking offer and frequently reached out to others in the area to connect. Fast forward to today, and the DUB (Dress Up Buttercup’s nickname!)) community now has over a million amazing people and a small team to help the dream grow!
A huge part of the DUB community is the philanthropy work with ButterTogether. We may organize the details but you guys are the stars of this show. In 2020 when so many people were in need, you guys were reaching out wanting to help. This community came together and raised over $70,000 to help people all over the country and so ButterTogether was born. People who were once strangers are now connected through this place on the internet. Through fulfilling Amazon wishlists, showing up for fundraising events or purchasing items that benefit local charities, this community continues to blow Dede away. Dress Up Buttercupnow hosts an annual event, The DUB Spooky 5k, raising awareness and money for breast cancer research in honor of Dede’s mom, Eva. You can see more about the event in Dede’s Instagram Story highlight or read about it here on the blog.
with DUB…