Hit or Miss of the Week: ELF Gift Wrap Cutter

Was browsing Amazon & found this nifty little guy. This gift wrap cutter is the most genius product I’ve ever stumbled upon. It is super easy to use & comes in a pack of 2 for $16. I wanted to share before the holiday season because I feel like it’s going to sell like hot cakes lol. I used it the other day to wrap a gift for a friend and it’s not only easy to use, but super satisfying to use too!

ELF Gift Wrap Cutter


  • Comes in a pack of 2
  • Works really well on regular wrapping paper
  • Convenient & easy to use (once you get the hang of it)
  • Makes cutting wrapping paper quick


  • Takes a little getting use to
  • May not fit super jumbo sized rolls of wrapping paper
  • Works better on regular wrapping paper & not as well on craft paper (but still works)
  • Went out of stock quick