Baby Raad Sprinkle Fundraiser

*Link to Donate Here*

Emily is planning a small sprinkle for us with some close friends and family to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby boy. Ted and I are so excited and wanted to do something special!

Instead of gifts, we’re asking our friends and family to donate to Kids Meals Inc., a local charity that provides meals to kids under 5, living with food insecurities in Houston. We would love to invite our online community to help us hit our goal and provide 1,500 meals to children that are unsure of when or where their next meal will be. As of this year, Houston ranks 1st in the U.S. for children living with food insecurity. Of that number, a high percentage are children 5 years and younger that fall the the cracks from not having free meals at school. While this is their primary target, they also prepare more meals for older siblings up to the age of 18 during summer and other school breaks. Kids Meals Inc is the only organization that delivers meals to these children and everything they provide anywhere from 3,400 – 6,700 meals a day. They also touch base with the a lot of the families and get to know them so they’re able to provide resources of other organizations that can help with other aspects of their life. Along with lunch deliveries they also give the families a grocery bag a couple times a week and have a grocery/lunch pickup for families not on the routes.

Ways to Help

Donate: Here is a link to our page we created and would love you to help us hit our goal! They do such a good job at creating valuable partnerships that they can feed a kid for only $2! So if you’re able to give $10 you are feeding 5 children that day! 

Volunteer: They are able to help so many people because of their volunteers. They make it such a fun environment and there are a lot of different positions to choose from! Also, you can email to be a part of their “last minute” volunteer group that is emailed when volunteers cancel and people are needed for the day!

Decorate bags: Something really cool they do is have people decorate the bags their lunches come in. They said the children love it so much and even hang them on their fridges. People from all over send them in so if youre not local this is something you can do with your kids! We will be decorating them at the baby shower as well and would love for you guys to do it with us as well! After you make them just mail them or drop them off at 330 Garden Oaks Blvd, Houston Tx 77345. You can find more information here!

DIY Lunch bags: This is a way you can volunteer at home or plan your own event at a park or house with your friends and family! They require a couple things when making these so check here before you start!

Follow/like Social: They don’t have an advertisement budget so liking and following their social account and telling friends means a lot to them! You can find their Instagram here