Holidays Are Butter Together: 2021 Amazon Wishlists
As the holidays quickly approach, I find it so meaningful to stop and reflect on the year and find ways to be grateful for all that we have and give back in whatever way we are able. That’s exactly what the Butter Together community was made for. Last year we created this group after y’all came to me and asked me for a way that YOU could give back. With your help, in 2020 we were able to raise $70,000 for those affected by COVID, over $4,000 for breast cancer research at our first annual Spooky 5k, and then closed out the year by clearing out families’ Amazon wishlists!
Thanks to your generosity and eagerness to help others, we’re bringing back the Amazon wishlist project for the holidays again this year to bless even more families! Last week we accepted nominations and submissions and have randomly chosen a few families for y’all to contribute to. As you read these people’s stories below, you can see just how difficult the holidays can be for some due to illness, job loss, family difficulties, and just life in general. I’m so grateful for the Butter Together community and your willingness to give—your contributions are SO appreciated and will make each of these families’ Christmases a little bit brighter this year!
Be sure to select the family’s gift address when checking out!

Hi – my name is Lucy! My husband & I met when we were in second grade and grew up together in Lexington, KY. We got married in 2020 (covid bride!) and decided to move out west to chase our dreams. We started 2021 by finding out we lost our first child due to a miscarriage and shortly after, we made our move from KY to WY. After just two weeks of moving to WY, we found out that I have cancer – Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I have been undergoing chemo for the past four months and am looking at being done with chemo on Dec 15th – best Christmas gift EVER! This year has held some of our hardest and toughest days yet but, I am so proud of us for sticking by each other’s sides, trusting the Lord, and continuing to chase our dreams together. It’s been so hard being away from our family and closest friends during this time, but I am so thankful for FaceTime and family & friends who have come out to see us in WY!
Being chosen for the amazon wish list this year is a HUGE blessing – y’all have no idea. I appreciate you Dede & everyone. Thank you for helping us make this such a special Christmas despite the craziness and hardships that came our way this year.

My name is Valerie and I have been married to my high school sweetheart Adrian almost 8 years. We have two beautiful little boys who we adore with all our hearts. We’ve had a beautiful life full of love and happiness. But things have been difficult the last 2 years.
In late august of 2019 my husband started having odd symptoms that were suspicious but we attributed them to stress since my husband was incredibly busy running his own countertop fabrication business. This went on for a few more months progressively getting worse. At the same time in June of 2020 our prayers were answered and we were blessed to be pregnant with our baby boy Eli. We were over the moon to be pregnant as we had been trying for over 3 years to give AJ a sibling. Around the same time my husbands symptoms got worse and fast, it was heartbreaking to see my husband fall apart in front of my eyes. Another heartbreaking moment was when I had to explain to my 5 year old at the time how his dad was sick, they’ve been best friends since day one.
On New Year’s Eve of 2020 we had to have a difficult conversation that he needed to stop working completely/close the business and focus on his health. He was shattered to lose everything we had worked so hard for.
In February of this year, our family became complete when we welcomed baby Eli to join his brother AJ. My husband’s health battles continued and just 10 days later he left me during the Houston ice storm for a week to have a surgery we hope would help him. The surgery didn’t do what we thought and he continued to be admitted to the hospital over 20 times (just this past year alone). Along with 2 surgeries and numerous procedures his body has been through so much. Our loved ones hardly recognize him. Most recently he’s had a feeding tube placed after loosing over 120lbs in 16 months.
We, as a family have lost so much this past year, we became a one income family, lost our business and I watch my husband everyday battling for his life. In the same breath we know we are blessed with beautiful children and know to count our blessings. It’s easy to get down, but we try to make the best of the good days (not as often) and pray on the bad days. We continue to have faith that my husband will get well enough to be the husband and father he once was.
The list will be for boys, we really would like to make this Christmas extra special for them. Thank you for this opportunity and bless everyone for helping!

We are soon to be a family of 3! Dad to be is a proud US Army soldier. Last year, his unit was called to serve and sent to Afghanistan, he left on December 1, 2020. He spent Christmas, New Years, Easter, and his birthday protecting our country overseas. He (thank god!) arrived home safely Memorial Day weekend 2021.
A month after he got home, we were blessed with a very unexpected surprise, we are pregnant with our first baby! We are so excited and are doing everything we can to prepare to give our baby boy the best life possible. Dad to be has had a tough time finding full time work after arriving home, so is currently working two serving jobs, re-enlisted with the Army, went back to college to finish his bachelors degree and mom to be works full time. We’re also moving to a bigger space and both need larger, safer cars before baby arrives.
Everything on our list is for baby and gift cards will be used to alleviate stress of the “big purchases”. Thank you for reading our story, we are forever grateful for this opportunity. Merry Christmas!

My aunt and uncle (Frank and Bertha) have been married for 40 years and both grew up in Austin, TX. Family to them is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! They have 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren ranging in ages 7- 15, but also have many nieces and nephews who are like their kiddos, so their kiddos are like grandbabies to them too. We are always having family gatherings at his home and he has always made everyone feel welcome and helping all of us out when we are in need. I actually lost my mom 4 years ago this past March to Glioblastoma and my aunt and uncle stepped in to help my dad navigate through such a horrible and tragic loss. On Sunday, Nov. 28th they lost EVERYTHING in a house fire! I would love to help them get back on their feet the way they have contributed to helping my family get through such a horrible loss. Thank you all so much for helping out my sweet family!! It truly means the world to them during this holiday season!

My name is Amy Wallace, and i am writing on behalf of my dad. My dad is Darrell Sumner. He is 66 years old and lives alone. My dad has cancer, lung and colorectal. He’s been undergoing chemo and radiation every single day for about 14 months. The doctors told him he would never be cancer free, but he fights everyday. He has to drive about 40 miles (one way) to get his treatment. Unfortunately, because he has to go every day, he usually has to drive hisself. My sister and I both have jobs and we live another 40 (ish) miles from him (going the other direction). He lives in Kentucky and we are in Tennessee. We would love to move him closer to us, but unfortunately he would lose his KY Medicare insurance if he moved to Tennessee, and that would mess up his treatment plan with his current doctors. He has lost about 85 pounds. He lives in a house with no running water, only a heater in his bedroom, no stove, no nothing. He refuses to move. He drives to my house once a week for a shower. He never complains, and if you ask him how he stays so positive, his response is “look what Jesus went through for me”. His mother died when he was 18 years old from breast cancer, and he said that is what she used to say. He has to buy adult diapers, and medication almost everyday. Not to mention the gas money it takes to drive daily. He even had to buy a new (used) car because his broke down. He doesn’t need or want anything nice. But he needs things, diapers, sleeping bag, non perishable foods, bottled water, just simple things that he uses daily. My dad loves to spend his day outside, when the weather permits. He loves to sit by a fire and grill. He hasn’t been able to do these things in a long time, but we are praying that he will feel up to it again soon. Anyway, I know there are so many in need, but I wanted to nominate my dad!