It’s crazy to believe that Ted and I are celebrating our TENTH wedding anniversary! Truly seems like just yesterday we were having play dates together and now here we are, married with two babies and a life better than I ever could have imagined or prayed for. Been reflecting a lot this week and since Ted took over the blog last year for our anniversary, this post is all for him! Ted, here are 10 things I love about you (although there are SO many more!)…

- Your humor. You always keep me laughing even if 90% of the time it’s cheesy dad jokes.
- You see the best in people. No matter the situation or the person, you always see the positive side and truly believe that people have the best intentions.
- Even in the heaviest of situations, you make things light. Through the bad times and the good I can count on you to take some of the weight off of my shoulders and help us navigate the challenges we face.
- The way you take care of our family. I’m so thankful every day that we have you to lean on, guide us, and teach us. We always feel like your top priority no matter how busy you are, and you make us feel so loved every day!
- You’re the the most fun to be around. You’re the life of the party and everyone’s favorite person, including mine.
- The way you work hard to accomplish your dreams. Anything you put your mind to, you work your tushy off to reach your goals and it inspires me to do the same.
- Your love for Jesus. The way you love the Lord shines through in every aspect of your life. You lead our family by looking to Jesus and encourage us to do the same.
- How you go out of your way for people. Doesn’t matter who it is, you go out of your way to help people in need.
- The way you encourage me to be the best version of myself. You push me to always do the right thing, be myself, get out of my comfort zone and dream big.
- That my kids get to grow up to be like you. I obviously really like a lot about you and am so thankful that they will learn these amazing values from their father. Plus they already have your smile and huge heart!
Thankful for all of the ways you love me so well and forever thankful to have you as my partner and friend. Here’s to 10 more, Ted Raad! <3