Shoes: Sole Society | Romper: Similar && Similar | Purse: Henri Bendel | Choker: Bauble Bar | Sunnies: Quay (on sale)
Yes to Fridays, bringing out the new favorite booties, and welcoming the new month! I wore this outfit last week to Teds football game ( he’s a coach for middle school) and I had to share. I am a sucker for bringing out those booties early and styling them with your summer pieces to give it a transitional look. These booties also have the cutest cut out design which is perfect for those hot days still. If you follow on snapchat you also know I am way on board with the choker trend lately, I need to slow my roll and not over do it.
Since it’s Friday I wanted to share five randoms thats been on my mind lately. Happy weekend!
- Invest in some suede scotch guard. These booties maybe my new seasons favorites and I definitely don’t want them to get ruined when rain comes my way. I bought this scotch guard to spray all over my suede boots. You probably saw on snapchat I had to hide my shoes under the bleachers during Teds game because it was raining but not anymore!
- Always always pass out your business cards, especially when introducing your self. I can’t tell you how many times I walked away kicking myself in the booty not handing out a card. You might think it’s not worth it or they aren’t interested BUT you never know until you try. I know so many great opportunities have come my way just by a simple card.
- I have been pinning my little heart out everyday and kinda am obsessed. I literally wake up every morning and make it a goal to pin 100 pins before I get out bed. It’s also a great excuse to stay in bed a couple more hours. Let’s follow each other here!
- To find a good friend, you need to be a good friend. The last couple of weeks friendships to me have been hard. Something about everyone has gotten on my nerves. It’s been so sad until I heard the perfect sermon FOR me on Sunday morning. There will always be different types of friends and which one are you going to be? Because that’s what really matters. You attract what you are. The sermon isn’t released yet but when it is I will share. You can find my hunk of a husband sharing the word here.
- Since it’s the new month / closing up Q3, make a goal for yourself. Wether thats a goal for September or for the rest of the year, it’s always refreshing to make a goal and check it off when complete! So this is your reminder :) My goal is to get my blog posts done before 3pm everyday. I need to get back onto a regular work day schedule because right now working until midnight isn’t cutting it.
Told you these are randoms. Happy Friday loves!