Top: Kingdom & State | Bottom: Kingdom & State | Sunnies: Similar ($5) |
I feel like the hot topic to talk about lately is pumpkin spice lattes, colder temps & fall clothing. I just am in this undeniable state that lounging by the pool for hours and working on my tan has come to an end. Is it really so? I do think we all deserve one last hooray before summer officially ends and we say bye bye to those pool days. Luckily, we all have Labor Day coming up for one last bbq and pool sesh. I kinda am obsessed with this yellow two piece and want to take it with me to Vegas.
Speaking of Vegas, literally right after fashion week hubs and our friends are headed to Vegas for a week. I am going to be so exhausted from NYFW that I am not sure if Vegas is the cure. We literally have been to Vegas 8262252627 times, 6 times last year, so it’s like our second home. However, you all have the best recommendations and we are always down to try new places so I would love for you to share your favorite things to do/eat/shows/ etc!
Photos by @jakefabricius